Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
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  • 8 things you can do in 5 minutes to SAVE THE EARTH!

    - A quick note regarding the environmental advantages of using this site. 'Latina' magazine just ran an article called "8 things you can do in 5 minutes to save the earth". Guess what was #1 on the list? Yep, that's right. It was: Download an Album... >> read more
  • DJ Medina: A Musicologist on the Ones and Twos **NYC Street Report**

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  • El Pikete to play Karibbean City Sept. 22

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  • Cubiky: Explosive Electronica for the Masses ** NYC Artist Report **

    - The Latin American trio, whose music is a non-genre specific blend of techno, psychedelic and industrial rock, have been critically praised for their music and earned over 20,000 fans through MySpace alone. It would be hard not to tap your feet, l... >> read more
  • 3D - Salsa Lite with a Twist ** NYC Artist Report **

    - 3D came onto the scene in 1999, introducing to the Latin jazz world their unique take on the genre. Founding members Michael Tate and Chris Amelar soon expanded their vision to include keyboardist Lenny Underwood, a horn section, and the occasiona... >> read more
  • Fito Reinoso CD Release - West Coast TIMBA update

    - West Coast's "Sonero Mayor" Fito Reinoso will release his new CD "Comunicació n" on Monday, July 2, 2007 at Yoshi's Jazz Club in Oakland (510 Embarcadero West). Featuring danceable cuban music at it's best, this timba record showcases Fito'... >> read more
  • Llego La Bolá ! ** NYC Artist Report **

    - With a little over a year under their belts as a performing band, La Bolá is making a name for themselves among Cuban timba music fans in the New York City area. And for anyone that witnessed their live performance at Crash Mansion on Apri... >> read more
  • Timba artist Danny Lozada rocks San Francisco!

    - As I snatched up the last parking place within miles, the Dodgers were gearing up to once again humiliate the hapless home team. I took some small solace in the fact that the owner of the team was a heavy contributor to the Bush campai... >> read more
  • LPM acquires

    - Due to its sheer mind-boggling volume of information is unofficially known as the largest latin music website available today. Seven years in the making, the site easily receives half a million (500,000) visitors a year and roughly t... >> read more
  • DJ Saoco - De La Habana a Matanzas ** L.A. Street Report **

    - Music is made to be heard. So one could say that DJs are to recording artists what people are to falling forest trees? They let the world know about the other's existence. Even in the digital age, DJs remain a musical mainstay, for they are the t... >> read more
  • Braily Ramos Debut Concert! **Miami Street Report**

    - Miami is one of the hottest cities in the US where timba bands are born, comprised mainly by some of the brightest musicians in the timba scene. One fantastic example is the debut of the new band being led by front man, Braily Ramos. It all took p... >> read more
  • New timba from Braily Ramos ** Miami Street Report **

    - Up and coming LPM artist Braily Ramos will be performing a special show of his original music with a new 10-piece band at Cafe Nostalgia in Miami, Florida. The music is a collaboration with his brother, also a trombonist and vocalist, Bayron Ramos... >> read more
  • Yerbabuena's "Boricua Roots Music" CD Release! ** NYC Street Report**

    - Yerbabuena, the New York City-based Puerto Rican traditional music ensemble head by musician and singer-songwriter Tato Torres, released their first independent production, "Boricua Roots Music", on Saturday, October 14th, at the legendary Nuyoric... >> read more
  • 10.24.06 Playlist - LATIN PULSE RADIO

    - You won't find a playlist this intense anywhere! Our Latin Pulse Radio player is free and does not require a browser window to be open. If you like a track please click below the album pic to find out more. Nuestro tocador es gratis y no requiere ... >> read more
  • En Clave con Cartaya ** L.A. Street Report **

    - It takes two (times four) to Tango, más o menos, give or take a guest musician or two, according to the musical calculus of Cartayas Enclave, the alternative and ultra funky Latin jazz fusion band that performed at Tango's in Hollywood last Thursd... >> read more
  • New videos showcase our Artists!

    - Our updated pages now have free videos! Another sign that the internet is providing access to content not available through the traditional channels. Please continue to support independent music. Ahora nuestras pá ginas contienen videos gra... >> read more
  • Two new 'MySpace' artists join LatinPulseMusic

    - Rising Reggae stars Los Goyos and urban poet/rapper Akil Ammar. We found them through our MySpace page, listened to some of their tracks and found fantastic talent. After contacting them they quickly signed on to our non-exclusive, 50-50 digital s... >> read more
  • Kazaa to settle file-share lawsuits

    - Kazaa, whose technology was used by millions to illegally swap music and movies, agreed Thursday to pay $115 million to settle lawsuits with the record industry and to launch a 'legitimate' service. The Australian peer-to-peer file-sharing company... >> read more
  • First WWW Salsa DJ Directory

    - Chances are that the very first time you heard that new hot track was dancing to your local salsa DJ. They scour record store shelves and internet sites looking for the latest and greatest, sometimes playing songs that haven't been released yet. C... >> read more
  • File-Swapping Sites Head to Court

    - In June 2005, the United States Supreme Court opened file-sharing service companies to potential liability, ruling that they found them to be intentionally encouraging the theft of copyrighted works. While companies like i2Hub and WinMX have been ... >> read more
  • An attempt to define "Latin Music"

    - Disclaimer: Clearly this is a very broad swipe that leaves out a number of influences and sources, for example the Bavarian influence on Mexican music and the indigenous music of the Andes. I welcome any comments and suggestions as they will be ne... >> read more
  • Media Report: The case for MP3-VBR format

    - Quick Read: Variable bit rate encoding makes a tremendous difference in the audio quality results, certainly enough to justify -many times over- the slight file size increase . They noted that allowing for higher bit rate compression during more m... >> read more
  • Large Retail Stores Gain Larger Control of the Music Market

    - As of November 2004, Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy stores have gained control of a larger percentage of the music market. Chain stores still control half the music market but these three companies have sold $1.3 billion more CDs than they did in ... >> read more
  • Does a CD have to cost $15.99?

    - Mass retailers like WAL-Mart, Best-Buy and Target have the market power to demand lower prices from major record labels. By relying on traditional distribution these demands are becoming increasingly difficult for the labels to achieve. Labels poi... >> read more

  • User_testimonials 
  • There is a history of musical innovations being forged on the island of Cuba before finally breaking out into the wider world and making their mark on music at large. Books like those by Rebeca Mauleón have enabled more of us to participate in that process. Now, ten years after Rebeca’s last book, Kevin Moore has produced a unique and outstanding set of works which make the last twenty years of Cuban music accessible to anyone who cares to learn to play it. It remains to be seen whether the rest of the world is now ready for an injection of Cuban timba.
    - Keith Johnson, England