Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
Contact us to license Latin music for tv & film.

Beyond Salsa Piano Vol1

Artist:   Kevin Moore

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Instructional 2009 100 1


© 2009 Kevin Moore. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  013-changui 3a-fast
Alternative text
0:32 example of a changüí - fast - track 13 of 100
02  014-changui 3a-slow
Alternative text
0:42 example of a changüí - slow - track 14 of 100
03  075-son montuno 13-fast
Alternative text
0:42 example of a son montuno - fast - track 75 of 100
04  076-son montuno 13-slow
Alternative text
0:43 example of a son montuno - slow - - track 76 of 100

Do NOT use Safari or Microsoft Explorer / Edge browsers to make eBook purchases.
Google Chrome and Firefox browsers are the ones that work. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Name Difficulty Notation Price
eBook Beyond Salsa Piano Vol1 Sample Easy Piano $9.99 Buy_now_ebook
Volume 1 begins around 1900 and covers the origins of the tumbao concept using transcriptions from genres, such as changüí, danzón, son and son montuno, which pre-date the use of piano in Cuban music. Beyond Salsa Piano is an instructional (eBook + audio), play-along history and anthology of the role of the piano in the Cuban rhythm section –from its first appearance to the present. This is the first book in a instructional series set to become the new standard for contemporary Latin piano styles. 84 pages (84 páginas) with 100 audio tracks (100 pistas).

Special notes about Beyond Salsa Piano Volume 1:

** Beyond Salsa Piano Volume 1 is a first in a series of instructional methods composed of an eBook with audio tracks. The eBook and audio tracks are sold separately. The eBook is a personalized pdf download compatible with Adobe Acrobat (more eBook info here).

** All 100 audio tracks have stereo separation: the left channel has the left hand piano part and the right channel has the right hand piano part.

Beyond Salsa Piano is a history and anthology of the role of the piano in the Cuban rhythm section – from its first appearance to the present. In a broader sense, it’s a study of the tumbao – the art of creating music from layers of repeating rhythmic and melodic phrases. Whether these syncopated figures are called tumbaos, guajeos, montunos, riffs or vamps, this Afro-Cuban concept lies at the heart of nearly every popular music genre from salsa to rock , funk, R&B, hiphop and jazz.

While presented as a set of method books, the series doubles as a history course and record collecting guide for listeners, dancers, and players of instruments other than the piano.

Perhaps the most important goal of the series is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how tumbaos are constructed, their central role in the texture of Latin music of all eras, and the endless possibilities they provide for creative composing and arranging.

Volume 1 begins around 1900 and covers the origins of the tumbao concept using transcriptions from genres, such as changüí, danzón, son and son montuno, which pre-date the use of piano in Cuban music. This material is designed to be playable by near-beginners, players of other instruments, and arrangers seeking to acquire a basic facility on piano. From a strictly musical point of view, the material, especially the changüí and Arsenio Rodríguez tumbaos, should be very interesting to modern ears and useful in playing and arranging modern-day music.

Click here for a pdf sample of the Beyond Salsa Piano Volume 1 eBook.

Click here for more Volume 1 samples. Email the author = timbacontent [at] gmail [dot] com

Beyond Salsa Piano Vol12     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol11     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol10

Beyond Salsa Piano Vol9     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol8     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol7

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Beyond Salsa Piano Vol3     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol2     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol1