Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.

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Latin Music News Flashes:

Web Development Internship:
Major(s): Graphic/Web Design, Media, Business, Computers, Entertainment, Music, Performing Arts, Publishing, Web, Internet, Sound, Spanish

Description: Create simple & informative html websites for an exciting Latin music company.
Location: This internship is NOT location specific.
Weekly work period: expectation is 10 hours a week.
Hourly pay: Hourly pay after the first website is published.

Latin Pulse Music Inc. owns a series of websites focused on Latin music and culture. We are currently offering an internship in html web development. Responsibilities include set-up and development of a network of basic html websites. To work on our various sites we assume you are familiar with html coding and graphics programs such as Fireworks, Photoshop, etc. The candidate will work from home as this is a tele-communing position. All that is required is a high-speed internet connection and Skype. Once proficiency and quality of work is established we are able to hire on an independent contractor basis (hourly pay).

Requirements: broadband internet connection w/ Skype, familiarity with graphics & web development programs, bilingual (English - Spanish) preferred but not necessary

Send brief letter and resume to: michael [at] latinpulsemusic [dot] com
Michael P. Lazarus, Founder & President, Latin Pulse Music Inc.