Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.

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Latin & French artist PATjE to release new album in September

July 27, 2009

By Michael P. Lazarus, Founder LPM

PATJE takes his inspiration daily from images in his mind. Influenced by the growth of singer songwriters from all kinds of genre, he builds his own style from soul, funk and Brazilian rhythms. His single GO GO is currently available on iTUNES (search for PATjE) and his new album PASAPORTE will be released in September. Here's a video for your listening and viewing enjoyment.

BIO ENGLISH: He was raised between Marseille, Barcelona and Geneva. His very first experience in entertainment was string puppet theater thanks to his brother, and then theater, for which, he grew to become passionate as of age fourteen. After his high school diploma he did his Bachelors in America to improve his language skills. At that time his friends gave him the nickname PATJE (little Pat).

Returning back to Europe, he worked in advertising and became the editor of a magazine. When he left this multinational firm and moved to Barcelona, Spain, in order to study at university, music and his love for entertainment came back into his life?He decided to pursue this growing passion in Los Angeles. He discovered facets of himself and started growing and gathering popularity in this environment.

In 2002 he started playing with his band in many clubs around Los Angeles and released his first single. On stage he started singing in French, English and Spanish. He began a new journey with his friend Ioannis; with him he played between Bora Bora and Paris. It was with Ioannis that he was the opening act for Jeanne Mas. This show took place at the Trianon in Paris.

2008 enabled him to prepare a new project. Today he is launching Pasaporte, his new album; available Autumn 2009.

Biografía ESPAÑOL: PATjE busca su inspiración en las imágenes de la vida diaria. Forma su estilo, influenciado por los sesentas y setentas con la afluencia de autores-compositores de todo género, entre soul, funk y ritmos del Brasil. Se ha educado entre Marsella, Barcelona y Ginebra. Su primer contacto con el mundo del espectáculo será el teatro de marionetas de su hermano; luego, la escena que le atrae y experimenta a los catorce años.

Después de obtener su bachillerato va a estudiar por dos años, en un colegio americano, para perfeccionar su inglés. Es en esa época que sus amigos le apodan Patje (pequeño Pat). De regreso a Europa, trabaja en publicidad y se convierte en editor de una revista. Al dejar esta empresa, se instala en Barcelona con intención de seguir estudios universitarios, y es ahí , que la música vuelve a salir a flote?

Decidido a vivir esta pasión creciente, viaja a Los Ángeles y en este universo se descubre y se revela. En 2002, comienza a tocar en los clubes de Los Ángeles y saca su primer single. Se lanza a la escena y canta en francés, inglés y español.

Comienza a viajar con Ioannis, su amigo guitarrista; y juntos se presentan en diversos escenarios entre Bora Bora y Paris. Con Ioannis anima la primera parte del concierto de Jeanne Mas, espectá culo que tuvo lugar en el Trianón de Paris.

En 2008, se dedica a la escritura de su próximo disco Pasaporte disponible septiembre 2009.

  • User_testimonials 
  • There is a history of musical innovations being forged on the island of Cuba before finally breaking out into the wider world and making their mark on music at large. Books like those by Rebeca Mauleón have enabled more of us to participate in that process. Now, ten years after Rebeca’s last book, Kevin Moore has produced a unique and outstanding set of works which make the last twenty years of Cuban music accessible to anyone who cares to learn to play it. It remains to be seen whether the rest of the world is now ready for an injection of Cuban timba.
    - Keith Johnson, England