Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.


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Distrito Federal (DF), Mexico 2005 1 0
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Ukwanda Hip Hop
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Independent Hip-Hop Coalition founded in Mexico City, Mexico. Check out more at

Español:    Fundada en el 2005, INDIEGENTE es una organización que tiene como objetivo el continuo desarollo y reconocimiento de la cultura Hip-Hop, lográndo por medios de diversas manifestaciones artísticas fundamentadas e inspiradas en el progreso, resistencia y educación de comunidades marginadas alrededor del globo con hambre de alzar la voz.

Usando al Hip Hop como herramienta y arma, la meta es inspirar a las generaciones actuales y venideras, involucrarlas en su entorno socio-político, impulsar la creatividad y terminar con la concepción de Hip Hop que mucha gente tiene en la actualidad. Más que misoginia, drogas, dinero y egos, la cultura Hip Hop representa y fomenta poesía, arte, libre expresión, lucha y revolución. IndieGente pretende contribuir al crecimiento de la cultura Hip Hop uniendo fuerzas y alcanzando objetivos comunes a través de intercambios musicales, artísticos, culturales y de trabajo entre las diversas comunidades Hip Hop del planeta.

English:    Founded in 2005, Indie Gente is an independent organization with a serious objective: the continuous development and recognition of Hip Hop culture, obtaining it by diverse artistic means and manifestations based and inspired upon the progress, rsistance and education of marginalized communities around the globe that have the hunger to raise their their voice.

Using Hip Hop as a toll and weapon, the goal is to inspire existing and coming generations, involving them with their socio-political environment, launching creativity as well as ceasing the negative image Hip Hop currectly carries. More than misogyny, drugs, money and egos, Hip Hop culture represents and urges poetry, art, freedom of expression, struggle and revolution.

IndieGente contributes to the cultural growth of the movement by joining forces and reaching common objectives through musical and artistic work exchanges with other Hip Hop communities around the planet.