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Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.

Proyecto Sonidos de Jubilo

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Santa Cruz, AF 2009 1 0
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Toda Gloria A Ti Cristo Jesus
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Timba $9.99 Buy_now_audio
Led by trumpeter David Eduardo Ríos, this is a unique musical project that unites the forces of sacred music and contemporary Cuban dance music (Timba). Sonidos de Júbilo has incorporated traditional Spanish Baptist hymns and orchestrated them with a modern big band tropical sound. The project counts is highlighted by very powerful vocal performances from salsa-star-turned-minister, Rosendo "El Gallo" Díaz (of Manolito y su Trabuco and Orquesta Revé fame) and Andy Marcos (of the Monte de Sión jazz vocal group).

A message from David Eduardo Ríos, the director and producer of Proyecto Sonidos de Júbilo:
What I am sharing with you are four hymns from the Baptist Spanish Himnal: Un Mandamiento Nuevo (A New Commandment), Alabad Al Señor (Praise the Lord), Manos Cariñosas (Tender Hands), Te Exaltare Mi Dios Mi Rey (I Exalt You My Lord My King). I contacted Rosendo Diaz (known as "El Gallo") late last year. He was lead singer with the two most prominent dance groups in Cuba -Manolito y su Trabuco and Orquesta Reve. Brother Rosendo has since put out 3 Christian CD’s (almost unheard of there), and has been ministering throughout the island. Brother Rosendo also invited a young Christian Cuban saxophone player (Yuri Perez in Cienfuegos) to record a very sentimental solo on "Manos Cariñosas". I had already been in contact with "Vocal Sampling Monte De Sion" in Santa Clara. I was able to get one of Monte De Sion’s singers (Andy) to sing coro on "Manos Carinosas". Alberto Salas, a Cuban American and Andre Crouch’s musical director, also shared his piano on the same track. For more information contact me at sonidosdejubilo [at] gmail [dot] com.

The desire of this project is that these hymns would bring him all glory to God, that others would be touched and those that do not believe, would come to know Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the touching of the Holy Spirit. My vision with this album is to support Christian ministries in Cuba and my hope is that the music us shared through the Church.

A short background of the project:
My paternal grandfather Reverend Jesús Ríos was the pioneer for the Confraternidad Hispana Bautista de California (under the California Southern Baptist Convention) in the 1940’s. My maternal grandfather Filiberto Alvidrez (graduating from the Methodist Seminary in Mexico City) was an ordained minister in the 40’s, early 50’s. I was able to get the help from four of my cousins and their children who also shared in this project.

In this controversial 8 minute video narrated by Rosendo "El Gallo" Díaz himself, this ex-Manolito y su Trabuco & Orquesta Revé lead vocalist describes the loss of his voice, all the unsuccesful treatments performed by IFA Yoruba priests that followed, and his full recuperation triggered by his new religious beliefs.

Disclaimer : does not endorse any religious views whatsoever, we are only reporting what Mr. Díaz has himself narrated in this video.

Un mensaje de David Eduardo Ríos, director y productor del Proyecto Sonidos de Júbilo:
Proyecto Sonidos De Júbilo es una colaboración musical entre muchos con la sola visión de poner en alto el nombre del Señor. Las influencias de mis hermanos Cubanos han sido de gran influencia en este álbum por el estilo de la música (timba y son). Hay que mencionar la gran voluntad de mis hermanos Cubanos aquí en USA y en Cuba en su deseo de ayudar en este proyecto. Ojala esta muestra de alabanzas pueda abrir otros caminos donde músicos puedan colaborar ofreciendo cánticos al mas alto nivel al Señor.

Llame al gran cantante Rosendo Díaz, conocido por "El Gallo de la Salsa". Cuando el hermano Rosendo dío su testimonio religioso fue algo sensacional en Cuba, y en la comunidad musical secular, ya que el fué cantante de dos prestigiosos grupos musicales: Manolito Y Su Trabuco y La Orquesta Revé. Cuando le hable por teléfono, el acepto el reto de ser la voz principal de la producción. Además Rosendo invitó a un excelente saxofonista, el hermano Yuri Pérez, el cual grabó un solo en el tema Manos Cariñosas. Yo ya tenia un contacto con el cantante Andy Marcos de Monte De Sión, y Andy grabó coro en Manos Cariñosas. Enese tema también grabo el pianista Alberto Salas , un Cubano Americano de Los Angeles, y el director musical del artista Andrae Crouch. Este Proyecto ha sido un labor de amor hacia nuestro Senor Jesucristo. Esperemos que las alabanzas hayan tocan las corazones de muchos. Para mas información escribanme al sonidosdejubilo [at] gmail [dot] com.