Authentic Latin Music Catalog for SYNC - TV & Film Music
Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.


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Sacramento (CA), United States 1996 1 0
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Home of Salsa Dancing all over the world. SalsaCrazy is born of a passion to share the joy of dancing, and get people learning how to dance. Salsa Dance is vibrant and exploding all over the world, as salsa dancing has spread to almost every major (and most minor) cities, in each and every country. Now, is the perfect time to learn how to dance, and start experience the magic of salsa and SalsaCrazy.

If you choose to download a free multi-media album from this page you agree to make your email available to SALSACRAZY for marketing purposes. Be assured that in all and any resulting communication from SALSACRAZY you will have the choice to opt-out of their email list.

Want to learn how to dance? You bet! Learn how to dance salsa, and it will likely transform your entire life (amazingly for the better). There are so many benefits to learning how to dance, and knowing how to dance, it's almost impossible to count them all (but we do try...). SalsaCrazy has their very own learn to dance dvd, which quickly broke all the charts for both happy and positive reviews, as well as worldwide sales for how to dance products. Yes, it's just that good, and yes, it's the only set out there that is completely satisfaction guaranteed.

If you want to learn how to dance? If you want to learn to dance quickly and easily, using step by step proven techniques for even the most two left footed of us, you'll want to a learn to dance salsa with our learn to dance videos.

Learn to dance online with our learn to dance online videos. You can learn how to dance Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, and Cha Cha Cha, right at our online dance school, all via instantly accessible, step by step, online dance videos.

Dancing is a fantastic, fun and liberating activity. Regardless of what you've been told, everyone can, and should, learn to dance! Don't let the fact you've never done it before stand in your way! Salsa dancing in particular is a vibrant, passionate, fun and social dance, with music that will move you. Try salsa lessons. Find a salsa dance lesson in your neighborhood, and give it a try, you won't be sorry you did.

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These salsa dance lessons from SalsaCrazy are the best in the business! SalsaCrazy is a world-wide organization with an established presence of 'salsa crazy' dancers in every country. Salsa dance is truly a global phenomenon. Here are some snapshots from the SalsaCrazy world-wide network. Click on them to visit the SalsaCrazy video site called SALSABOOTCAMP.

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