Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
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Kuba Sound System Proyecto

Artist:   Giovanni Imparato

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Afro-Cuban 2006 16 0


© 2006 Hullabaloo Production. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes, lyric sheets and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  Intro
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2:41 canta giovanni
02  Mi Tuerto
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4:22 no me dejes
03  Aqui y Ahora
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5:27 aceptame asi como soy, influencias de chan chan
04  Cabeza y Corazon
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5:26 kay kay kay yemaya oloddo
05  Vulesse
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4:19 yo se que le va a gustar
06  Abajo de Otro Ciel
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4:06 la musica sublime hace el alma divertir
07  Orunmila
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4:27 muy larga y cadensionsa tu mirada
08  Sin Barrera
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4:41 lleva el tambor, sube bailando, sin parar
09  Rusella Piccere
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5:03 ella sabe su camino
10  Elegbwa
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6:40 la llave la tienes tu
11  Obanito
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3:25 un cha cha cha, canta Natalio Mangalavite
12  Donde
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3:01 ...donde estabas tu jose ines
13  Rolanda
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3:03 me doy cuenta cuanto me llama tu piel
14  Tumbar
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3:32 muchacho que marcha
15  Eleji
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4:27 giovanni and marcello sing
16  Cabeza y Corazon Radio Edit
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3:11 remix
Steeped with Afro-Cuban influences, this eclectic and interesting release from Italy's master percussionist Giovanni Imparato fuses batá rhythms with other ethnic folkloric beats and house music.

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Percusiones utilizadas en este disco por Giovanni Imparato: Batás, Tumbadoras, Bongos, Pailas, Campanas varias, Clave, Maracas, Guiro, Batería Latina, Cajón, Caja, Salidor, Tres, Chequera, Tammorra Napolitana, Castañuelas, Jimagua, Rebajador e Instrumentos de tradición Yoruba, Arara, Abakua y Bantú.

Kuba Sound System Proyecto is an artistic vision in which the Cuban tradition (Salsa, Rumba, Yoruba Liturgy) are mixed with several other ethnics sounds (Mediterranean, Eastern, etc), including electronica and dj-turntablist-stylings. It remains spontaneous and it is an extension of existential musical search. Moreover, I have evidenced and developed the ritual use of the drum and the "sciamanico" and "maieutico" concepts of music. Some songs are in Spanish, except 3 tracks in Neapolitan, beyond the “Giovannese” that all use. This work featurings Nino D' Angelo and Marcello Colasurdo, musicians that take part in the important realization of the album. Note: The video on this page features an extended tumbadora "conga" solo by Giovanni Imparato while sitting-in with international Timba star Issac Delgado on Issac's hit "Deja Que Roberto Te Toque".