Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
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Artist:   Chaonda

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Charanga 2006 12 0


© 2006 Pimienta Records Corp. All rights reserved.
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# Name Play Time Info
01  Que suene la Flauta
Alternative text
3:44 son montuno
02  Repicando Bata
Alternative text
3:51 merengue-cha
03  Este si no Pasara
Alternative text
3:50 cha cha cha
04  Busca los lentes
Alternative text
3:56 cha cha cha
05  Pare Cochero
Alternative text
4:50 son montuno
06  Almendra
Alternative text
4:58 danzón
07  El Bodeguero
Alternative text
3:52 cha cha cha
08  Jardinero del Amor
Alternative text
3:52 son montuno
09  Tu no sabes de Amor
Alternative text
3:34 charanga
10  Caminito de Guarena
Alternative text
3:06 merengue
11  Si Envidia
Alternative text
3:04 danzón
12  Cachita
Alternative text
3:22 cha cha cha
Flute and violin duo co-lead lead this ensemble of traditional cuban music.

A refreshing change of pace from what many Americans think of as Latin music, Herencia is an immediately appealing listen. The duo of flutist Gerardo Pena and violinist Gerardo Aguillon front a big band that plays a slightly kitschy but endearing blend of Latin pop and easy listening. The arrangements on Herencia feature an extremely prominent string section in exactly the same fashion that Esquivel and other pioneers of south-of-the-border fusion used orchestras: as a connection to familiar American musical forms to help demystify the unfamiliar Latin rhythms. Given that the average American music fan is far more familiar with Latin music forms of many different types than had been true at the dawn of the stereo age, Herencia sounds oddly old-fashioned to the contemporary listener, but in an appealing, non-ironic way. Chaonda are named for an Afro-Cuban form partially based on the folk music of Guinea, and there's a lightness of spirit on Herencia that it shares with much West African music, in the fleet acoustic guitar patterns and occasionally chant-like call-and-response vocals.

 Herencia - album credits
Daniel Palacio Vocals, Group Member
Gerardo Pena Flute, Musical Direction, Mezcla, Group Member, Recording
José Velásquez Bass (Acoustic), Group Member
Jackson Fondeur Percussion, Guira, Tamboura, Group Member, Conga
Gerardo Aguillon Violin, Group Member, Musical Direction, Brass Arrangement
Daniel Berroa Percussion, Conga, Group Member
Otto Avalos Violin, Group Member
Israel "Cachao" Lopez Producer, Direction