Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
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Artist:   Los Goyos

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Reggae 2005 13 0


© 2005 Los Goyos. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes, lyric sheets and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  Con Destino a la Conciencia
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1:45 el capitan dice 'permitido fumar', buen viaje
02  Amor En PR
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3:36 un clásico del reggae latino
03  Bosques De Cemento
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4:08 ¿en donde jugarán los niños?
04  Beware
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3:15 I'm here to tell you truth (english lyrics)
05  Cali Love
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1:36 instrumental mood piece
06  Fluir
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3:49 has escuchado tantas veces que'l bien esta por venir
07  La Batalla
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4:20 I and I a freedom figther (bilingual lyrics)
08  Jugando A Tontos
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5:19 no hay tan bella forma de pedir perdón
09  Siempre
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3:37 canción alegre y pegajosa
10  Sweet G
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3:53 w/o your love I cannot fly any higher (english lyrics)
11  Tiempo
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3:48 muchos niveles musicales, coro en susurro
12  Una Flor
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3:43 poesía politica para que te despiertes
13  El Que Lo Siente Lo Sabe
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2:33 if you like the 'Redemption Song" you'll love this
Underground reggae classic. Great music and lyrics from these rising reggae stars!

See the * Los Goyos - SIEMPRE * video here:

A real gem. Highlights include "Amor en PR" (Love in PR), "Bosques de Cemento" (Cement Forests) and a hidden bonus track (#13). If you like reggae you won't believe that this band is still unknown. The lyrics are deep, political and positive. Put your player on 'repeat' and let it play this record over and over again. Pa' los boricuas it's an absolute 'must have'. O-F-I-C-I-A-L!

Para esta nueva producción Los Goyos contaron con la participación de la sección de vientos de la exitosa banda León De Judá. Fluir integra, además, una influencia más rockera que se une a la fusión que les distingue: un estilo ecléctico que mezcla el reggae roots jamaiquino con sonidos caribeños, unidos al vibrante ritmo del drum n' bass y las programaciones electrónicas. Ragamuffin, dancehall y hip hop son otros elementos que aderezan los arreglos musicales en Fluir.

Willie y Pedro comparten la autoría de la letras del catálogo de canciones de Los Goyos, con colaboraciones de Onix y Alexis. En las mismas, reflejan sus preocupaciones en torno al país y al mundo, dando cabida también a reflexiones instrospectivas. Para Willie, Fluir contiene unas letras más adultas y revolucionarias. Fluir mezcla el sonido retro de los ’70 con las tendencias contemporáneas de producción, para un sonido orgánico y moderno a su vez.

Bosques de Cemento - Cement Forests
They are seeding (growing) forests of cement
In the places where I used to be
And I ask myself if in the future
There will plces where my kids can play

They are confusing the minds of our leaders Oh God
That with money in hand, nothing is better
And that prosperity is not in construction
And what a coincidence that it rhymes with destruction

The leaders are breaking tomorrow's schemes
Thinking of the money that they can steal
Then it is true when as a boy they taught me
"Be careful becuase money can really talk"

And prosperity lies the preservation of the natural
In the life, in dreams, in things moral
And what is wrong with living in the shadows?
Protected by pressures that rob us of our peace?

Let them not take away our peace
Let them not take away our peace, no
Together we can fight
And preserve (conserve)
Maybe in the future
Selfish ideas will die
And only for a moment
In this moment, I ask myself

Where will they play?
How will they have fun?