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Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.

Sones Jarochos from Veracruz

Artist:   Music of Mexico

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Son Jarocho 2003 21 0


© 2003 Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  La Bamba
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3:10 con José Guitiérrez Ramón
02  Siquisiri
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3:53 y Los Hermanos Ochoa
03  Colas
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3:26 yFelipe y Marcos Ochoa
04  La Morena
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3:01 translates to: the dark woman
05  El Jarabe Loco
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3:18 translates to: the crazy juice
06  El Gavilancito
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2:18 translantes to: the little hawk
07  El Cascabel
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3:29 translates to: the little bell
08  Huapanguerito
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2:36 el Trio Jarocho Chalchihuecan
09  La Guacamaya
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4:04 poor little guacamaya bird singing
10  El Zapateado
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3:28 from the "zapato"(shoe)
11  La Bruja
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2:45 translates to: the witch
12  El Ahualulco
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4:10 dancing the jarabe tapatío
13  Tilingo Lingo
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2:49 a very famous son
14  Canelo
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3:01 chinita is a little chinese woman
15  El Coco
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1:59 translates to: the coconut
16  El Pajaro Cu
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3:41 translates to: the coo bird
17  Balaju
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3:22 he went off to war and didn't want to take me
18  Butaquito
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4:11 a small chair used to sit while courting
19  Cupido
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3:01 song about Cupid's fate
20  Maria Chuchena
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4:02 she was seated in a ravine cutting lillies
21  Pajaro Carpintero
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2:24 translates to: the woodpecker
Instruments and rhythms from son jarocho have been used by rock groups such as Café Tacuba, Quetzal, 22 Pesos, Ozomatli, and Zack de la Rocha. East L.A. rockers Los Lobos have also recorded in the Jarocho genre. Related genres are: Son Huasteco, Huapango, Son Jaliscience, Son Chiapaneco and Son. Well-known artists playing the genre are: Mono Blanco, Siquisirí, Tlen Huicani, Chuchumbé, Chucumite, Los Cojolites, Conjunto Jardín and Son de Madera. Includes full 19 page booklet.

Son Jarocho is a traditional musical style of Veracruz, a Mexican state along the Gulf of Mexico. Son Jarocho is a traditional musical style of Veracruz, a Mexican state along the Gulf of Mexico. It evolved over the last two and a half centuries along the coastal portions of southern Tamaulipas state and Veracruz state, hence the term jarocho, a colloquial term for people or things from the port city of Veracruz. It represents a fusion of indigenous (primarily Huastecan), Spanish, some confues this style of music with African styles wich is not a proven fact because there are no what they call timbales but is a known musical element, reflecting the population which evolved in the region from Spanish colonial times. Lyrics include humorous verses and subjects such as love, nature, sailors, and cattle breeding that still reflect life in colonial and 19th century Mexico. Verses are often shared with the wider Mexican and Hispanic Caribbean repertoire and some have even been borrowed from famous works by writers of the Spanish "Siglo de Oro". It is usually performed by an ensemble of musicians and instruments which collectively are termed a "conjunto jarocho".

The instruments most commonly associated with Son Jarocho are the jarana jarocha, a small guitar-like instrument used to provide a harmonic base, with strings arranged in a variety of configurations; the requinto jarocho, another small guitar-like instrument plucked with a long pick traditionally made from cow-horn, usually tuned to a higher pitch and with a four or five thick nylon strings; the harp, and sometimes a minor complement of percussion instruments such as pandero, cajón and quijada (an instrument made of a donkey or horse jawbone). Son Jarocho is often played only on jaranas and sung in a style in which several singers exchange improvised verses called décimas, often with humorous or offensive content. The most widely known son jarocho is "La Bamba", which has been popularized through the version by Ritchie Valens and the American movie of the same name. -- source: wikipedia