Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
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Artist:   Picason

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Timba 2001 11 0


© 2001 Picasón. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes and cover art.
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# Name Play Time Info
01  Intro
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0:48 ven a gozar el vacilón de Picason
02  El Bombero
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5:08 timba con rumba guaguanco
03  Te Doy
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5:29 great bass intro & piano solo
04  Que Bellas Son Las Cubanas
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5:28 cha-cha, salsa, trumpet solo
05  Ni en un Millón de Años
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4:05 sabor clasico con funky mambo
06  Homenaje al Cha-Cha-Chá
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5:14 tribute to the cha-cha-cha
07  Compórtate
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5:28 intense dance tune with great breaks
08  Entrégame Tu Cuerpo
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5:36 features swinging horns - champola!
09  Mona Lisa
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4:45 charanga-habanera-influenced - sooliiitaaa!
10  Mucho Cuidao
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4:57 careful....because this dog bites....
11  El Desagradable
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5:13 upbeat and peepy tune about an irritating dude
Fourth album from the swiss hard-core-timba band Picason. Features tight songs with slamming tumbaos and mambos.

download the lyrics (letras) of this album here.

Unlike the international trend to a "neo-traditional" salsa style, the musicians in Cuba developed their music into a completely different direction. They came out with a fresher sound, more complex rhythm and harmony and they called it "timba". José Luís Cortés (bandleader of NG La Banda) who has worked with Picason in the early nineties is considered to be the father of the new style. Timba uses all kinds of musical influences. The funky seventies (Kool & the Gang, Earth Wind & ire, etc.) play their parts together with Hip-Hop and Rap. Compared to traditional salsa, the timba groove is heavier and even more syncopated. There’s more space for the rhythm section to improvise, bass and piano play their poly-rhythmical "tumbaos“ with much more power. The horn-riffs have become sharper and the lyrics cheekier.

Picason has put the finishing touches to Orlando Valle’s wonderful compositions by adding the latest spices from the Cuban timba-kitchen. There’s also a "special red hot pepper“ with the group now: Ernesto Manuitt. Ernesto is known as a lead singer of one of the top Cuban timba bands, "Klimax". Now living in Europe, Ernesto is the youngest member of Picason and one good reason for the authenticity, the high quality, and the refreshing energy of the actual Picason albums 'Timba' and 'Que Felicidad'.