Authentic Latin Music Catalog for SYNC - TV & Film Music
Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.

Hijos de la Salsa Gorda

Artist:   Willie Sotelo y La Mundial De La Salsa

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Salsa 2005 10 0


© 2005 Envidia Producciones. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  Herencia (Palmieri's Legacy)
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4:52 cantan: Mel Martínez y Josué Rosado (diana)
02  Yo Lo Coloco y Ella Lo Quita
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4:08 canta: Luisito Carrión
03  Una Salsita
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4:26 canta: Osvaldo Román
04  La Cuenta
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4:08 canta: Mel Martínez
05  Homenaje A Marvin Santiago
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5:07 arreglo: Jorge Millet
06  Son De La Mundial
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4:10 cantan: Luisito Carrión, Mel Martínez, Osvaldo Román
07  El Divorcio
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3:56 canta: Osvaldo Román
08  Mi Cosita
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3:18 canta: Luisito Carrión
09  Me Saludas a la Tuya
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3:32 canta: Choco Orta
10  Colombia Prueba De Acero
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3:51 canta: Luisito Carrión
On this recording Willie Sotelo and Rei Peña, both authentic sons of the "Salsa Gorda” of the 1970's, masterfully realize their vision of yesterday’s salsa recorded with today's sound. La salsa con el concepto del ayer pero con el sonido de hoy.......Para el bailador!!

There's nothing like the rhythmic brilliance of Puerto Rican salsa to remind us which season is headed our way. Zesty, sunny, sexy, defiant and mischievous, playful, light-hearted but seious about the danceability, Willie Sotelo's exceptionally dynamic salsa band captures the heat like few do. The flash and flair are all here, the intoxicating rhythms driven by piano, fat horns and singers make this spicy album a hit. If you're even the slightest fan of salsa, party music or beat-oriented Latin music, look no further. --CD-4-Less Records

Musicians on "Hijos de la Salsa Gorda" By La Mundial De La Salsa:

Willie Sotelo Piano Synth, percusión menor   Samuel Vélez Barítono
William "Cachito" Thompson Congas   Roberto "Bobby" Pérez Tres
Tempo Alomar Bongo Tempo Alomar Bongo   Luisito Carrión Vocals
Rolando "Pucho" Hernández Bongo   Ramón Castro Vocals
Samuel Reyes "Sammy" Timbal   Rei Peña Vocals
Rigo Díaz Timbal   Josué Rosado Vocals
Pedro Pérez Bass   Mel Martínez Vocals
Rolo Alejandro Trompetas   Osvaldo Ramón Vocals
Moisés "Combo" Nogueras Trombón   Choco Orta Vocals

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