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Ritmos Cubafricanos Vol. 1 & 2

Artist:   Ballet Folklorico Cutumba

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Afro-Cuban 2005 17 0


© 2005 Academy of Cuban Folklore and Dance. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  Carabalí
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5:01 Musical Director:
02  Vodú
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4:52 Ramón Márquez Dominguez
03  Merengue Haitiano
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04  Nagó
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4:24 Production:
05  Ibo
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5:01 Naomi Bierman & Jose Carrión Napoles
06  Gagá
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07  Congo Layé
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4:59 Photography:
08  Masún
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4:59 Naomi Bierman
09  Yamvalú
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10  Palo
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4:10 Recording:
11  Yuka
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4:52 Maykel Nario & José Aquiles
12  Makuta
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13  Tajona
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5:02 Mix & Masterizaton:
14  Tumba Francesa
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9:58 José Aquiles
15  Rumba Yambu
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16  Rumba Guaguanco
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5:11 Recording Studio:
17  Rumba Columbia
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3:03 "El Sótano de Amanda"
A collection of musical pieces and folkloric manifestations of Afro-Franco-Haitian-Cuban origin found primarily in Cuba's Eastern (Oriente) provinces.

The Ballet Folklórico Cutumba is undoubtedly one of Cuba’s most vibrant folkloric dance companies. Based in Santiago de Cuba in the Oriente province of eastern Cuba and founded in 1960, Cutumba performs Afro -Cuban -Franco -Haitian dance and music with a special focus on preserving the rich heritage of the region.

This 2- volume recording, Ritmos Cubafricanos, began as an informal project initiated by the Academy of Cuban Folklore and Dance in Seattle, WA. Co-director José Alfredo Carrión Napoles was the principal dancer & corps professor of Ballet Folklórico Cutumba de Santiago. For over 25 years, José has been researching, collecting, conserving, revitalizing & presenting the folkloric manifestations of Afro -Franco -Haitian -Cuban origin found primarily in Cuba's Eastern (Oriente) provinces.

When teaching abroad, José found it difficult to find musicians well versed in the lesser-known rhythms heard primarily in the Oriental regions of Cuba. Therefore, we decided to invite into the studio a special group of friends & family - musicians and singers of Cutumba - to help us record & preserve some of this music in its traditional form. Our original idea was to use these recordings as an accompaniment for José's folkloric dance classes when live percussion was not possible. After listening to them, we realized that they would also serve as excellent study guides for students of both folkloric percussion and dance. And, for those who want to just listen and enjoy… aché!

Ballet Folklórico Cutumba -- Ritmos Cubafricanos Volumes 1 & 2