Authentic Latin Music Catalog for SYNC - TV & Film Music
Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.

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8 things you can do in 5 minutes to SAVE THE EARTH!

October 27, 2007

By Muam Picó

A quick note regarding the environmental advantages of using this site. 'Latina' magazine just ran an article called "8 things you can do in 5 minutes to save the earth". Guess what was #1 on the list? Yep, that's right. It was: Download an Album!

Yes, download an album to help save the earth. Every month 45 tons of CDs are dumped in landfills. Buy online and there's no packiging to toss. Remember, when you buy from us and you'll receive all the artwork and liner notes included in your download (adobe pdf file).

Here are some other things about our system to keep in mind: All our audio files are Variable-Bit-Rate MP3s (called MP3-VBR) created using the "L.A.M.E" encoder with audiophile settings (very high quality). In double-blind listening tests subjects could not differenciate between MP3-VBRs (encoded with the settings we use) and the actual CD (wav) file. In addition, our audio files do NOT have DRM (digital rights management) restrictions because we trust you will support the artists -which is what you do when you buy from us. Our MP3-VBR files will play on any hardware and we have not found a software player they won't play on. Enjoy!

  • User_testimonials 
  • There is a history of musical innovations being forged on the island of Cuba before finally breaking out into the wider world and making their mark on music at large. Books like those by Rebeca Mauleón have enabled more of us to participate in that process. Now, ten years after Rebeca’s last book, Kevin Moore has produced a unique and outstanding set of works which make the last twenty years of Cuban music accessible to anyone who cares to learn to play it. It remains to be seen whether the rest of the world is now ready for an injection of Cuban timba.
    - Keith Johnson, England