Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.
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VIDEO BSPercussion v2

Artist:   Kevin Moore

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Instructional 2010 7 0


© 2010 A. Kevin Moore. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  Mozambique Drumset 2
Alternative text
0:42 sample audio - Beyond Salsa Percussion Vol2 - Calixto Oviedo
02  Pilón With Kick Drum 2
Alternative text
0:39 sample audio - Beyond Salsa Percussion Vol2 - Calixto Oviedo
This video portion of CALIXTO OVIEDO: Basic Rhythms features the complete video footage of Beyond Salsa Percussion Volume 2 --a survey of the traditional rhythms that Calixto (NG la Banda, Adalberto Álvarez, Pachito Alonso) mastered prior to the innovations of his modern period. This is the video material for the BSPercussion instructional series set to become the new standard for contemporary Latin percussion (drumset & timbales) styles.

This video album includes 7 video files + 7 pre-looped movements (7 videos y 7 loops). Download a free trial of the Transcribe! video loop program here.

Rhythms covered: danzón baqueteo, danzón paseo, danzón bell, danzón paseo to montuno, cha cha cha, mozambique bell and clave, mozambique timbales, mozambique toms and bell, mozambique toms and kick, mozambique drumset, pilón timbales, pilón with kick drum, pilón drumset, simalé, upa upa (bonus tracks = solos).
Format: Beyond Salsa Percussion Volume 2 is the second in a series of instructional methods composed of an eBook with video and audio tracks. The eBook, video files and audio tracks are sold separately.

eBook: The eBook is made available through our View to Print system. 144 pages.

Audio: All the audio from the live video performance has been organized into 120 audio tracks.

Video: All 7 video files are on .mov quicktime format (all 7 video loop files are in .xsc Trabscribe format). Download a free trial of the Transcribe! video loop program here.

"Calixto Oviedo is the sole creator of the latest grooves in popular Cuban music, what we know as Timba, with the integration of timbales and drumset. Impeccable taste and technique, combined with his knowledge of AfroCuban rhythms, make Calixto a musician to follow. This book is a testimonial to all of that." -- Horacio “El Negro” Hernández

In Volume 2 of the series, the first volume on Calixto Oviedo, we asked Calixto to demonstrate the traditional Cuban rhythms which most influenced his later innovations, and which are most useful to him in his current range of touring and recording situations. For example, with Juan de Marcos and the Afro-Cuban All Stars, Calixto regularly performs authentic danzón (Chapter 1) and chachachá (Chapter 2), while other rhythms, such as mozambique (Chapter 3) and pilón (Chapter 4) have more subtly influenced the creation of the modern style he developed with Adalberto Álvarez, NG La Banda, and continues to use with La Jugada and the various groups that he leads in Europe.

In each chapter, we study the history, development and discography of the genre under study, highlighting the groups and recordings that have resulted in that genre withstanding the test of time and solidifying its place in history, and as an influence on later genres and players. The rhythms covered in Volume 2 are danzón, chachachá, mozambique, pilón, simalé, and upa-upa. Volume 3 will be devoted entirely to Calixto’s modern style, with each chapter covering a separate element of that style. For example, how he plays behind the cuerpo (marcha abajo), behind the coros (marcha arriba), behind the timba breakdowns (presión and bomba) and so on.

Calixto Oviedo is the first featured artist in Beyond Salsa Percussion, the companion series to author Kevin Moore’s acclaimed Beyond Salsa Piano series. Oviedo, who played with such groups as NG La Banda and Adalberto Álvarez y su Son, is a living legend among Cuban drummers. This, the second volume of the series, Calixto Oviedo: Basic Rhythms, is a survey of the traditional rhythms that Oviedo mastered prior to the innovations of his modern period. With dozens of carefully transcribed musical examples, the objective is to help experienced Latin drummers master the new Cuban styles, to aid American and European drummers master Latin drumming in general, and to explain the intricacies of Cuban music to arrangers, listeners and dancers.

Click here for a FREE pdf sample of the Beyond Salsa Percussion Volume 2 eBook.

Click here for more Volume 2 samples. Email the author = kevin [at] timba [dot] com

Calixto, like many modern Cuban drummers, sits at a full drumset and has a timbales rig to his left. We’ve tried to stick to already-established conventions, but a certain amount of creativity was necessary to cover the vast arsenal of timbres that Calixto’s rig enables him to use:

Drums: Kick Drum, Floor Tom, High-Mid Tom, High Tom, Snare Drum, Low Timbal, High Timbal
Bells and Blocks: Large Campana (Bongo Bell), Contracampana (Timbal Bell), Cha Bell, Jam block
Cymbals: Hihat, Ride Cymbal, Crash Cymbal, Splash Cymbal

Beyond Salsa Piano Vol12     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol11     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol10

Beyond Salsa Piano Vol9     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol8     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol7

Beyond Salsa Piano Vol6     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol5     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol4

Beyond Salsa Piano Vol3     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol2     Beyond Salsa Piano Vol1