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Cuba based rap duo, Zona Franka, blends traditional rhythms with the grit and swagger of hip-hop and rap vocal phrasings. Their clever shout choruses create instant tropical dance classics using their unique self-titled "changui con flow" style.

Somos Charangueros

Artist:   Charanga Forever

Style Released Album Tracks Charts
Timba 2007 12 0


© 2007 Envidia Producciones. All rights reserved.
Audio album download includes album tracks, liner notes and cover art.
All audio tracks in MP3-VBR format. About LPM album downloads.
# Name Play Time Info
01  Estas Perdiendo El Brillo
Alternative text
6:07 ya tu no eres el mango que tu te creias
02  Dicen Que Amor
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4:36 es un apalabra divina que te dura para toda la vida
03  Somos Charangueros
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5:35 tumbando mamá tumbando
04  Se Van Volando
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3:46 pague todo lo que debía, por la noche no quedo nada
05  Se Cree Que Se Las Sabe Todas
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4:06 pero eso no es la historia si tu no sabes nada
06  Mi Perro
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4:19 sale por la noche de casa y se va a la plaza a bailar
07  Convergencia
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5:16 tremendo piano al estilo clásico de Cuba
08  Te Enredastes
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4:37 como te atreves a decir que no tienes salvación
09  Enganarme A Mi
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4:47 ahora la elegancia se convirtió en arrogancia
10  Sin Piedad
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5:08 ahi esta "el padrino" en los metales
11  Agente 008
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3:26 no te apures en buscarla, que tenga manana
12  Estas Perdiendo El Brillo
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3:31 ....extensión del tema con rap
CF absolutely shines on this record with sophisticated orchestral arrangements, intelligent and gritty lyrics, hard-driving montunos and super funky bass lines. Guest stars include Michel Maza and Tirso Duarte. A must have among timba collectors.

Charanga Forever The original members of the group were all formerly in Charanga Habanera and the early parts of their careers are covered in great depth in our now completed section on the four albums of the original Charanga Habanera: Love Fever, Hey You Loca, Pa' Que Se Entere La Habana and Tremendo Delirio. The story of the breakup and the early years of Charanga Forever is covered in the article "Charanga Habanera: The Breakup and Beyond".

Having gotten all the way to 2002 with Charanga Habanera, we now return to the summer of 1998 to find out what happened to the original charangueros. They were able to start playing almost instantly. They needed only a new name, "Charanga Forever", and a singer, Armando Cantero, to replace Michel. And so, ironically, the first Charanga Forever was formed from the musicians of the second Charanga Habanera, while the second Charanga Forever was in fact nearly a complete reunion of the original Charanga Habanera that recorded Pa' Que Se Entere La Habana.

"La Charanga que tú conoces, la que siempre te sofocó", JC González, Pedro Pablo, Sombrilla, Michel, Polledo, Manolito, Vitico & Co., were back in business and they corded a short, but brilliant album for a French label that included the astounding "Somos la Charanga" which turns out to have been composed by none other than Juan Formell! In fact, on the French release, the track is listed as "Dice Formell". It also contained a great early Limonta song called "El Avión" which the original Charanga Habanera played live but had never recorded, as well as the great "La Menor" and other tracks.
-- by Kevin Moore of

Musicians on "Somos Charangueros" By Charanga Forever:

Maikel González "Cuchilla" Piano   Rolando González Saxo
Ernesto Boy Bajo   Dayan Carrera Voz
Edel Yoire Timbal   Michel Pérez Voz
Pedro Yasser González Timbal, bongo   Roger Rodríguez Voz
Víctor Sagarra "Vitamin" Conga   Yasser Ramos Voz
Frank Pedrón Trompeta   Radames Alberto Rad Voz
Isidro Duran Trompeta   Isaac Bocalandro Güiro
Miguel A. Malagrida Trompeta   Michael Maza Cantante invitado
Victoriano Patterson Trompeta   Tirso Duarte Cantante invitado
Leonel Polledo Trompeta, voz